Protecting Health Information. Ensuring Data Integrity.
Protecting Health Information. Ensuring Data Integrity.

Synthetic Data Use: Exploring use cases to optimize data utility

Stef James, Senior Director, Capability and Operations at AstraZeneca UK, graciously joined EHIL on March 9 to discuss a recent study published in Discover Artificial Intelligence focusing on synthetic data use cases that optimize data utility.

The pharmaceutical industry is starting to realise the value of synthetic data which is being utilised more prevalently as a method to optimise data utility and sharing, ultimately as an innovative response to the growing demand for improved privacy. In this webinar, with supporting viewpoints from across the pharmaceutical industry, Stef explores use cases for synthetic data across seven key but relatable areas for optimising data utility for improved data privacy and protection.

Links to the full recording of this webinar and presenters' slides can be found below.

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